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2011 Study on the Development and Revision of Green Mark Product Criteria, Certification and Product

The so-called green products can be represented by products which are “clean, recyclable and resource saving," while product certification means subjecting products to third-party verification to see if they conform to specific requirements or standards. In accordance with the standards published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), environmentally friendly product certification services can be divided into: Type I program: for example the Green Mark Program, which follows the ISO/CNS 14024 standard; Type II Program: self-declaration by manufacturers which follows the ISO/CNS 14021 standard; and Type III program: quantitative declaration of product’s life cycle environmental performance information which follows the ISO/CNS 14025 standard. Taiwan’s Environmental Protection Administration promulgated in August 1992 the "Green Mark Promotion Guidelines,” which authorized the official launch of Taiwan’s Green Mark eco-labeling Program in 1993. This Program is capable of encouraging consumers to purchase products with the environmental characteristics of recyclable, low pollution and resource saving, as well as providing government agencies with specific targets for preferential selection during their purchasing process. Since 1993, the Green Mark Program has opened 114 product categories for application of Green Mark logo usage. Any applicant whose product meets the specific requirements of applicable Green Mark product category and passed the application review process is allowed to use Green Mark logo on their products during the three-year contract period. At present, a total of 6933 products from 1650 manufacturers are qualified to use the Green Mark logo. Over the years, Green Mark’s product criteria have been developed following the spirit of the ISO 14024 standard, including selection of product categories, development of product criteria and review of Green Mark applications. The goals of this year’s project include: develop/revise Green Mark product criteria; conduct environmental benefit assessment of Green Mark qualified products; develop and analyze Green Mark testing methods; and review the administration scheme of Green Mark Program.
Green Mark、Criteria、Environmental Benefit